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FAQ - Arizona Domestic Violence Offenses


This forum covers questions related to Domestic Violence in the state of Arizona and provides answers to criminal defendants, their family members, and victims about what to expect during criminal prosecution.  This information is for informational purposes only and is not intended to be legal advice.  If you have already been, or may be, charged with a Domestic Violence offense in the state of Arizona, city of Gilbert, Chandler, Phoenix, Mesa or Scottsdale, you should retain experienced private counsel to assist you in defending your case.  The information provided below does not create an attorney-client relationship between the reader and any member of Verdura Law Group PLLC.  For more information about Domestic Violence charges in the state of Arizona, city Gilbert, Chandler, Phoenix, Mesa or Scottsdale contact experienced former Major Felony Crimes prosecutor and Phoenix criminal defense attorney, Kaitlin S. Verdura, attorney at law.

For more information about Domestic Violence Offenses in Arizona, contact experienced former prosecutor and Phoenix criminal defense attorney, Kaitlin S. Verdura, attorney at law.

Phoenix, Gilbert, Mesa, Chandler, Scottsdale Domestic Violence Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the definition of Domestic Violence in Arizona?

2. How have I been charged with Domestic Violence in Gilbert, Chandler, Scottsdale, Mesa or Phoenix, Arizona if there was no violence?

3. What are the most common Domestic Violence charges in the city of Gilbert, Chandler, Phoenix, Scottsdale, and Mesa, Arizona?

4. What is Disorderly Conduct DV (Domestic Violence)?

5. How can I be charged with DV Disorderly Conduct if I didn’t do anything wrong?

6. What is DV Criminal Damage (Domestic Violence)?

7. What is Threatening or Intimidating DV (Domestic Violence)?

8. What is Preventing the Use of a Telephone DV (Domestic Violence)?

9. What is a Domestic Violence Assault?

10. Is Domestic Violence Assault a felony or a misdemeanor?

11.What is a violation of an Order of Protection?

12. What if the alleged Victim contacted me first and I’ve been wrongfully accused of Violation of an Order of Protection because I responded?

13. What is Interference with Judicial Proceedings DV (Domestic Violence)?

14. What if I’ve been charged with Domestic Violence in Maricopa County Superior Court or Gilbert Municipal Court, Chandler Municipal Court, Phoenix Municipal Court, Mesa Municipal Court or Scottsdale Municipal Court, but I was acting in self-defense?

15 I’ve been charged with Domestic Violence but the Victim wants the charges dismissed, what can I do to get my Domestic Violence case dismissed?

16. I am the victim of Domestic Violence but I want the charges dropped and the prosecutor refuses to dismiss the case.  What can I do?