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17 - If I have been charged with Sexual Conduct with a Minor, a Dangerous Crimes Against Children, why am I facing more time than somebody else who has been charged with the same thing?

The legislative branch does not treat all Sexual Conduct with a Minor charges the same.  In the state of Arizona, the law separates acts committed against minors who are between the ages 15-17 and acts committed against a minor 14 years of age or younger.  The former is a class 6 felony offense, and the latter is a class 2 felony offense and Dangerous Crimes Against Children.  The legislative branch further separates out those acts committed against minors who are between the ages of 13-14, under the age of 12, and under the age of 11. These acts are all considered class 2 felony offenses and Dangerous Crimes Against Children, however, they carry different sentencing consequences.  Sentencing ranges also vary depending upon the nature of the specific act charged.

FAQ - Sex Crime Charges in Arizona

Sexual Conduct with a Minor, C6F

Victim 14-17

Class 6 felony, non-Dangerous Crimes Against Children

May be eligible for probation if:

-No prior felony convictions

-No more than one count

*Mandatory prison if multiple counts

Sexual Conduct with a Minor, C2F DCAC

Victim 14 and under

*further distinction made for victims 13-14, <12, and <11

Class 2 felony, Dangerous Crimes Against Children

-Mandatory prison

-mandatory stacked sentence

*35 to life or 13-27 yrs per count (case specific)